The children in my classes always love to activities related to special events like Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day etc. This year I was watching the Better Homes and Gardens Easter themed episode and was impressed with their children's Easter activity. The presenter had children make felt chickens with pipe cleaner feet and legs that were placed in dishes filled with coconut fibre. I loved the idea but had to adapt it to the materials I had available. It was also necessary to simplify the process to avoid the frustration of trying to make feet and legs that wouldn't be seen anyway.
paper or plastic plates
coloured card
scrap booking papers
shredded magazine paper
glue sticks
- contact paper
sticky tape or masking tape
chicken templates large and small
wing templates
Children select papers and card
Discuss where to place the template to ensure economic use of paper so off cuts can be used for wings, combs and
Fold paper or card and trace around the template
Cut the chicken shape through both papers
Glue together
Cut two wings from different paper
Glue the wings on each side
Add combs and wattles to each side
Draw the beak and eyes on each side
- Repeat to make one or two more chickens
Fold contact paper into a circle sticky side out and adhere to the plate
Place shredded paper onto the top
Position chickens on the shredded paper and stick in place with tape
- Add more shredded paper to hide the tape.
Final step:
Place one or two Easter eggs in each child's completed chicken nest.
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